Thirteen Reasons Why


“In the end, everything matters.”



Author: Jay Asher

Rating: 5/5

Started on: September 06, 2016

Finished on: September 08, 2016

Edition: Paperback

Published by: Penguin Group (USA) Inc.

Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, Fiction, Realistic Fiction, Mystery





Clay Jensen doesn’t want anything to do with the tapes Hannah Baker made. Hannah is dead. Her secrets should be buried with her.

Then Hannah’s voice tells Clay that his name is on her tapes — and that is he, in some way, responsible for her death.

All through the night, Clay keeps listening. He follows Hannah’s recorded words throughout his small town.

. . . and what he discovers changes his life, forever




Looking for a novel that’ll give you goosebumps, an emotional breakdown, and will make you contemplate life for about ten minutes after reading it? Then I highly suggest Thirteen Reasons Why! I honestly went to the bathroom several times while reading this because, apparently, my bladder couldn’t handle the intensity TRW has. I actually attempted researching Hannah Baker’s tapes on youtube since Jay Asher provided a link, but I’m afraid it may not let me sleep. The novel alone made me awake for two nights! Now that’s an amazing novel by a great author!




“No one knows for certain how much impact they have on the lives of other people. Oftentimes, we have no clue. Yet we push it just the same.”


Hannah Baker was just another new girl in town with an ordinary life — living with her ordinary parents, studying in a regular school, hanging out with typical students who, like her, just moved in. Everything was going well. Until one rumor led to another rumor, which led to another rumor…and so on, and so forth. No one, nor nothing, could stop the snowball effect on Hannah Baker’s life — nothing but suicide.

Being fed up with everyone judging, belittling, and pushing her to be okay even when, in reality, everything is falling apart, she decided to end her life one evening. Everyone in town, especially Clay Jensen, was caught off guard. But that was just the beginning for Mr. Good Guy, Clay.

As Clay was on his way to his room one afternoon, he saw a package for him with no return address. Without second thoughts, he immediately opened the package. Inside was cassette tapes — Hannah Baker’s cassette tapes, in which she revealed every person responsible for her death, and what they did to her.

Desperate to know her reasons and his contribution to his long time crush’s death, Clay immediately began listening to the tapes, trying his best to absorb every information Hannah is telling them — what she’s telling him. And as he gets near the end of the dreadful thirteen records, Clay discovers something about Hannah Baker that makes him realize, everything. . . affects everything.




You may think “OMG she’s (me) definitely a sadist for giving 5 stars to a horrific novel like this!” but I am not. I highly appreciate novels about suicide because it gives me reasons to continue my life, and it makes me feel like someone actually understands the noise in my head. I’ve read three (or maybe four) novels regarding suicide, and this, by far, is the best one because Hannah Baker’s life is almost similar to mine. Also, even though this is a tragic, traumatic book, it gave me comfort — it gave me hope. Another reason is, TRW made me think about all the things I’ve said to people, and apologize to them. Jay Asher really enlightened me to be very, very careful with everything I say. This also made me keep in mind that everyone is going through something, thus being patient and kind is really necessary everyday with everyone.


I’ll definitely recommend Thirteen Reasons Why to everyone, especially to those who’s suffering from depression.



Never Never trilogy

Just remember.

Author: Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher

Rating (as a trilogy): 4/5

Started on: January 23, 2016

Finished on: January 25, 2016

Edition: Kindle edition

Genre:  Romace. Young Adult, New Adult, Contemporary, Mystery, Fantasy, Fiction, Suspense, Paranormal

Synopsis (by book):


Never Never part 1

“I may not remember anything about her, but I would bet her smile was my favorite part of her” 



Best friends since they could walk. In love since the age of fourteen.

Complete strangers since this morning.

He’ll do anything to remember. She’ll do anything to forget.



Never Never part 2

“Until then, never lose hope. Never stop loving me. Never forget. Never Never,”



 Never forget that I was your first real kiss. Never forget that you’ll be my last.
And never stop loving me between all of them.
Never stop, Charlie.
Never forget.

Silas races against time as more truths unravel, while others twist tighter together. And now, the stakes are higher as Silas’ control slips and others begin to point fingers. Charlie is in trouble and he must be the one to bridge the chasm between their past and their present. Because somewhere between I love yous and Never Nevers and Never Agains, a truth they can’t imagine, beckons to be found.

“Where are you, Charlie?”


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Never Never part 3

“Fate is the magnetic pull of our souls toward the people, places, and things we belong with.”



New York Times bestselling authors Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher are back with the much-anticipated final installment in the Never Never novella series.
Together, Silas Nash and Charlize Wynwood must look deeper into the past to find out who they were and who they want to be. With time ticking down, the couple are in a race to find the answers they need before they lose everything. Can they regain what they once had? And will it restore who they once were?

wp-1452174430779.jpegThis trilogy caught my attention from the first time I saw posts on bookstagram regarding these novels. I never read any reviews about Never Never because I wanted to read it naively. The only idea I had was a lot of people was disappointed with the last book. I didn’t try to figure out why because it might give  me an idea of what this trilogy is about. It was worth it, anyway. While I was reading Never Never and after I finished it, I wasn’t influenced by other people’s opinion – which was really nice since I ended up loving the third book .




“Just remember.”

Charlie and Silas had been best friends since they were born. And like the ordinary human they are, they fell in love with each other.  Despite their corresponding family problems, their love still gained strength and made them survive every issues and problems concerning their family and theirselves. However, certain circumstances came in their way, which forced them to break up,  and let the universe play an evil trick on them.


Never Never is yet another novel that will prove readers that soul mates does exist and fate is something people should never, ever play with, or doubt.



I made this summary spoiler-free as much as my capabilities would allow, which explains why this review seems so vague and repulsive. I would really encourage the non-reader of this trilogy to read it without much knowledge of what would happened.]


Among these three books, I loved Never Never part 3 the most (excluding the epilogue), and part 2 the least. Part 1 was where the action and eeriness was put in focus, which really made my eyes pop and hunger me for more. Part 2 was when…well this was where my heart was beating rapidly then stopped because of the clichéd twist in its plot. With the last book, however, my heart was able to beat hastily and calmed down at the same time.  I especially loved when Colleen and Tarryn didn’t end the book so sudden, unlike a lot of novels. Never Never part 3 made sure it provided me enough emotions and retorted all of my questions from book 1 up to the last chapter. The only problem with the last book was the epilogue. UGH! The staleness was too much for me to handle.